Zero Emission University

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says we have 11 years to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep the Earth within 1.5°C of warming. 

Achieving this goal requires dramatic reductions from everyone: meaning a total carbon budget of just 2.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per person per year in Canada by 2030. To put this in perspective, one return flight from Vancouver to New York is about 1.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. If the academy is to be in line with a livable climate, we urgently need to cultivate low-carbon academic infrastructures and workplace cultures. 

We call on anyone who is based at a Canadian academic institution and travels for professional reasons to sign our pledge, committing to restrict air travel and foster a low-carbon culture in third level education. We also invite fellow faculty at UBC to sign our open letter, calling for specific and concrete changes within the university to make this culture shift possible.

Check out our resources section to learn more about reducing greenhouse gas emissions in academia.

Take action now!

Sign the Climate Pledge

Commit to reduce your work-related travel emissions.

Sign the Open Letter

This is an open letter for UBC faculty, calling for changes within UBC to support transition to a low-carbon University.

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